
Special Celebrations

Baptism, Confirmation, Wedding


Baptism is one of the two most important sacraments in life of the Church. At its most basic, it involves application of, or immersion in water, as the following words of Trinitarian formula words are announced "I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; a sign of the cross and the giving of a light. At Holy Trinity, Thornhill, as in all Anglican Churches, both infants and adults, are baptized.

In the Sacrament of Holy Baptism a person is initiated into the Christian faith. It has the effect of receiving the individual into the household of God, allowing him to receive the grace of the other sacraments. The intention of baptism is threefold: a renunciation of sin and of all that which is opposed to the will of God (articulated by vows); a statement of belief in God (articulated by the recitation of the Apostles' Creed or Nicene Creed); and a commitment to follow Christ as Lord and Saviour (again, signified by vows). This is summed up in our Baptismal Covenant. “The bond which God establishes in baptism is indissoluble”.

In case of uncertainty about whether a person has received the sacrament of Baptism at an earlier time, he or she may receive the sacrament conditionally. In principle, no one can be baptized more than once. In a conditional baptism, the minister of the sacrament, rather than saying "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," says "If you are not baptized, I baptize you" etc.

Holy Baptism is normally celebrated on the:

The Baptism of The Lord
Third Sunday of Easter
Day of Pentecost/Whitsunday
Sunday nearest to All Saints' Day (November 1)

For more information about Baptism at Holy Trinity, Thornhill click here


Confirmation is derived from the Latin word “confirmare”, to strengthen. In this sense, Confirmation involves the reaffirmation of faith through the strengthening and renewal of one's baptismal vows accomplished through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Historically, Baptism and Confirmation once were a unified rite, with the bishop performing both activities. With the spread of the faith in Europe during the early Middle Ages, the rites became separated. In recent centuries, it has been seen as an opportunity for those Baptized as infants to make an adult profession of faith, and to reaffirm the vows made on their behalf by witnesses.

Until very recently, it was also a precondition to participation in the Eucharist throughout the Communion. Some Anglican churches, as we do at Holy Trinity, Thornhill, now view Baptism as sufficient for accessing the grace of all the sacraments, since it is the means of initiation into the faith.


Holy Matrimony is the blessing of a union between a man and woman, acknowledging the presence and grace of God in the life of the couple.

Our Church teaches that “Marriage is a gift of God and a means of his grace, in which man and woman become one flesh. It is God’s purpose that, as husband and wife give themselves to each other in love, they shall grow together and be united in that love, as Christ is united with his Church. The union of man and woman in heart, body, and mind is intended for their mutual comfort and help, that they may know each other with delight and tenderness in acts of love [and that they may be blessed in the procreation, care, and upbringing of children].” (Book of Alternatives Services, p 541)

For more information about Weddings at Holy Trinity, Thornhill, click here.

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