It’s cold out there. And on February 24, the Holy Trinity Team did something about it. Along with >440 others in Richmond Hill and >40,000 across Canada, we walked in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising event. Thanks to you and all those who donated to our HTC Team we helped raise close to $150,000 for Blue Door to support people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in our community. We raised $7590 of the $13Million raised across Canada! Woo HOOOOO!
Holy Trinity Thornhill is one of the few overnight shelters in York Region. Let’s not debate the need for shelters; one night each week we provide a place for people to eat a warm meal, sleep in a safe place, and have breakfast on Monday morning before heading out into the elements at 7:00am. Holy Trinity Thornhill makes a difference – one step at a time – walking in way of Christ and loving our neighbours as ourselves.