Our parish advisory board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm on Zoom. The board package, with agenda, the minutes of the previous month’s meeting (still in draft until they are corrected and confirmed at the meeting), and any reports is available 4 days before the meeting here: https://www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca/advisory-board-and-reports/
The advisory isn’t “the” board. This is our parish advisory board. And, the board is a wonderful ministry. Surprised?
New members join the board at the February Vestry meeting and begin their work at the March meeting. At the March meeting we review the official items (bylaws in particular), and we also look at and commit to our purpose. Most new members have not considered that the board is a ministry. Yep, it is.
The advisory board is, indeed, a ministry team, engaged in worshipful work. Not just decisions and reviewing financials, but worshipful work. The board is to discern and conduct its work with a deep and constant consciousness of the spiritual dimensions and dynamics at play within the parish. Our agendas, discussions and decisions are to be framed to express our spiritual mandate. Board members collaborate with clergy, staff, parish members and, at the very heart of that collaboration — the most important collaborator of all time — Christ.
When you join the board, you’ll rely on the commission of your parish colleagues and:
- Jesus to shape the board’s work,
- the Holy Spirit to guide the interactions, and
- God’s kingdom values and plans to form the context for all discussions.
Come join the board. We are working very hard to ensure that it is a safe space in which we work collaborate to move the parish priorities forward with a faith-filled approach. We don’t want it to just be safe — we want it to be joyous! We want people to try out and practice their leadership skills in a place where they will learn with encourage and love, and not be criticized or condemned. Parishioners are always welcome to come to a meeting to observe. You will be welcomed! And, if you want to speak or contribute to the meeting, just talk with the board chair at least 5 days before the meeting about the topic you want to address. This is within the bylaws, and it is also courtesy to the board chair and members to be prepared for a productive discussion.
Adapted from the Christian Leadership Alliance board prayer:
“Lord, we are so grateful for all that you’ve given to us. Everything belongs to you. This is your church, your parish – and the people, funds, and its very future are yours, Lord. We are here to follow your lead and to steward all that you’ve provided to do your will.
Help us to be faithful stewards and let our first act always be that of thankfulness, gratitude and praise for you and all you have provided for our life and work. Help us to always have you at the centre of our discussions and our work. Lord expose our desire to control and assert power.
Forgive us, Lord when our tendencies to criticize, control and complain creep into our conversation, our attitudes, or our decisions. We surrender this ministry and our lives to you. Guide us and use us as faithful stewards in our work for your glory. In Jesus name.”